Andrea Kopecka entered the artistic scene with a set of large-scale portrait paintings combined with vivid massive texture of paint. In progress, the textured layer started becoming the main theme of a piece. Gradually, Andrea has been revealing more and more of the painting process through her work with the layers, printing and washing them out. These methods gained on importance and turned to be formative actions and the author’s focus on painting as a matter produced more abstract pieces. However, the work is still subversively connected to a figurative painting, focusing closely on the body. Andrea takes an intimate look on its details, which remains unreachable for a spectator, enlarging them to almost to an abstract form. The main theme is life and its vivid bodily substance, which can be easily modified as a sort of living canvas. Andrea uses processes of hurting and healing, where the painting is understood as a living medium. It is able to get wounded and healed, but something has always already changed in the structure, in the substance and the remains are visible as a pattern or traces of washed out paint.
2010 – 2014 Vysoká škola výtvarných umení v Bratislave, katedra maľby a iných médií, 4. ateliér prof. I. Csudaia akad. mal.
2008 – 2010 – Vysoká škola výtvarných umení v Bratislave, katedra grafiky a iných médií
2004 – 2008 – Škola úžitkového výtvarníctva Josefa Vydru, propagačné výtvarníctvo, prof. M. Bočkay
Aktivity a ocenenia :
2015 – kreativna zona na Pohode
2014 – Cena Slovenskej Rektorskej Komisie za umenie
2014 - Pecha Kucha Night, Nitra
2010 – Sympózium Tihany Balaton
2010 - Urban E.T. Ružomberok
2009 – Figurama workshop
Samostatné výstavy :
2014 - Prasačinky, Blaf - Žumpa, Bratislava, SK
2014 – Osobný folklór, Freshmen’s gallery, Bratislava, SK
2014 – Malé s veľkými, /S. Patúcová, M. Schniererová/ VŠVU, Bratislava, SK
2014 - Flesh Art, Batelier, Bratislava, SK
2013 – Revealing the Unknown, Gallery M++, Bratislava, SK
2013 - Prints, Koceľova 23, Bratislava, SK
2012 – Carnival of Destruction, /J. Hrčka/, Pod kamenným stromom, Bratislava, SK
2012 - Buran Buran, /J. Hrčka,/ Hopkirk, Bratislava, SK
Skupinové výstavy /výber/;
2015 – Banda – Obrazorovnost, Galerie Caesar, Olomouc, CZ
2015 – BAnda – Naporcovaní, Galéria Jána Koniarka, Trnava, SK
2015 - BAnda – Starým médiem přítomní, Galerie Magna, Ostrava, CZ
2015 - BAnda – Péčko, Galerie Artatak, Praha, CZ
2015 – Tušenie, /P.Barényi, M. Horban, M. Laurinen, L. Papčová, A. Šakový/, Freshmen’s gallery, Bratislava, SK
2015 – Freshmen’s retrospectivepreview, /P. Bařinka, P. Cvik, J. Hrčka, E. Miklošová, R. Koszorús, S. Janišová/, Keglevichov palác, Bratislava, SK
2014 - BAnda, Gallery SPP, Bratislava, SK
2014 – Solitude, /A. Haas, M. Černušák, L. Tallová, J. Hrčka,…/River Gallery, Bratislava, SK
2014 - Encian galery , Skalnaté pleso, SK
2014 - 999, River Gallery, Bratislava, SK
2014 - Contempo, gallery Ego, Bratislava, SK
2013 – Presahy, /M. Černušák, M. Fabian, V. Žáková, B. Sirka, A. Šakový/, Gallery EGO, Bratislava SK
2013 – Galéria~ Presents, Galéria Dunaj~, Bratislava, SK
2013 - Sppirit, Galéria SPP, Bratislava, SK
2013 - TedX, SND, Bratislava, SK
2013 – Katedra maľby, Reduta, Slovenská Filharmónia, Bratislava, SK
2012 – Soyart, Spot, Bratislava, SK
2011 – Figurama, Praha, CZ
2010 – neTWORk, Galleria Cvernovka, Bratislava, SK
2009 – Trienale textilu, Dom umenia, Bratislava, SK